Thursday, December 2, 2010

Big decision in water quality case

The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource (DENR) has decided to revoke APGI's 401 Water Quality Certificate on the grounds that APGI withheld information in the application for the certificate.
The Division of Water Quality, which is the division responsible for the decision, expressed that they were surprised to discover the missing information, though County officials believed from the start that APGI was being untruthful. APGI, however, is surprised by the state's decision and plans to contest it.
For more details, check out Thursday's SNAP.


  1. Nice if we all knew what APGI was.

  2. also just FYI since you're light years ahead of me in "keeping our readers informed..." ALCOA had it's license revoked for now, and Sav-A-Lot is scheduled to open on Dec 16. Two local stories that seemed to miss the press. Email and Google are wonderful things. Try 'em sometime
