Friday, December 10, 2010

Home for the Holidays

During this time of year, we enjoy spending time with family over the holidays. In fact, when most of us think of Christmas, we think of family togetherness.
One of my favorite Christmas songs is the old time favorite "I'll be home for Christmas." That has even more meaning to me as I have moved away from my family, and about the only time of year I can see them is during Christmas.
But for so many families around the U.S., they will not have every member of their family home for the holidays. For those who have a parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, brother or sister serving in the military, Christmas will not be the same this year if their family member is serving overseas.
As a way to bring families a little closer this year, the SNAP has been given those family members still here at home the opportunity to write a Christmas greeting to their loved ones who cannot be home. The greetings will be published in Sunday's edition of the SNAP for all to see, so be sure to pick up your copy.
And don't miss one Marine's account of what it was like to serve in the military as a female nearly 50 years ago.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Big decision in water quality case

The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource (DENR) has decided to revoke APGI's 401 Water Quality Certificate on the grounds that APGI withheld information in the application for the certificate.
The Division of Water Quality, which is the division responsible for the decision, expressed that they were surprised to discover the missing information, though County officials believed from the start that APGI was being untruthful. APGI, however, is surprised by the state's decision and plans to contest it.
For more details, check out Thursday's SNAP.